

充满激情, these three Lenoir-Rhyne alumni have applied the skills they gained at LR and used them to advance their careers.

Amber Currie和她的狗跪在动物收容所外面


Amber Currie ’12 didn’t plan on attending LR, but once she stepped on campus, she was sold.

“有一种熟悉和家的感觉,”Currie说. “从第一天起就很合适.”

在获得社会学学士学位后, 她回到伯灵顿的家, 北卡罗莱纳, and began her career at NCWorks Career Center in Alamance County as a youth career adviser. 在过去的八年里, 她和16到24岁的人一起工作, 第一代和低收入家庭的学生为大学学费和生活用品寻找资金.

搬回家不仅提供了一份工作,而且还提供了机会. Inspired by her love for animals, Currie began volunteering with the local animal shelter. 她收集物品, 比如收容所需要的项圈和毛巾, 但她发现自己在问自己还能做些什么来帮助她.

在与伯灵顿动物服务中心的工作人员交谈时,, 她从这里得知他们没有救援协调员, 这个想法 安珀的动物权益 出生.

The 501(c)(3) organization aims to create networks between shelters to help them find homes for cats and dogs and raise money for transportation and medical needs.

全球网赌十大网站的目标是尽一切可能帮助社区中的动物,Currie说, 谁是安珀动物保护组织的创始人和经营者.

Amber Currie抱着一只橙白相间的猫坐在里面

2021年6月, 这家非营利组织已经成立五周年了, having helped more than 500 animals with various needs and transporting animals as far south as Texas and as far north as Ohio. 其中一只是Charlotte Grace,这是Currie在BAS遇到的一只混血狗.

在失去她的巧克力拉布拉多之后, 米兰, 2019年11月因癌症去世,她的母亲也去世了, 黛布拉, 2020年1月因肺纤维化并发症死亡, 柯里没有领养孩子的计划. 但在认识并抚养夏洛特·格蕾丝之后,她给了她一个家.

“I did the number one thing you see when someone fosters — they adopt them,” laughed Currie.

Working full time as a youth career advisor and running 安珀的动物权益 keeps her busy, 但她每天都为意想不到的事情做好准备, 多亏了她的LR学位.

“It gave me a better understanding of people — those who have similar and different backgrounds,”她说。. “I feel well equipped to work with those from diverse perspectives and have the knowledge on how to collaborate together.”

Her commitment to the community has been noticed by others — as she was nominated for the Petco Love Volunteer Grant by BAS.


Currie shares the following advice for those looking to help their local animal shelters and rescues.

第一个也是最伟大的:绝育. 这有助于缓解收容所拥挤的状况和街上的流浪狗,”Currie说. “贡献你的时间. 这可以包括帮助洗碗、洗衣服、遛动物以及与它们互动. 捐赠. 一切都需要资金. 最后,分享你在社交媒体上看到的需要寄养宠物的帖子. 你永远不知道你能联系到谁.”


到了找一所大学学习和踢足球的时候, Aqsa Mushtaq ' 20开始放眼美国. 但真正吸引英国布拉德福德的是一个紧密联系的社区.


“对我来说, the head soccer coach was one of my main focuses because that person brings the team together, so my decision was made easier by seeing how great the team was and how they were looking to improve long term,穆斯塔克说, 她的心理学学士学位是谁获得的. “加, 在一所小型的二级学校任教, 大家都认识彼此, 你会得到团队以外的支持.”

在LR, Mushtaq was an active player on the women’s soccer team and was voted South Atlantic Conference Player of the Year in 2019-20.

毕业后, 她在寻找下一个机会, 到底是读研究生还是踢足球.

“一些经纪人对我很感兴趣,想帮我找一个团队,”她说. “They were very comforting and told me that I should not give up playing football as I could get onto good teams.”

22岁时, 她与意甲的那不勒斯俱乐部签下了她的第一份职业合同, 意大利最高水平的职业足球. 穆斯塔克效力于那不勒斯的一家俱乐部, 坎帕尼亚, from August to December 2020 before moving to Rome to play the remainder of the season for Roma Calcio Femminile.

她有心理学学位, she has been able to apply the knowledge she learned to understand how the mind works and how connections are made and apply them on the field.

“比赛总是有心理方面的因素, 因此,运动心理学几乎可以超越比赛的身体方面,”她说。.

从大学到职业足球的转变在很多方面改变了她的生活, 但最大的变化之一是语言. 穆斯塔克只在英语为主要语言的国家生活过, but an unexpected aide has been the addition of Italian lessons to her other preseason workouts with other non-native teammates.

当她朝着为英国或美国的顶级球队效力的目标努力时, 穆斯塔克反思了她迄今为止在职业道路上所面临的挑战.

“我是英裔巴基斯坦人, 我认为是巴基斯坦人, 在相同的文化背景下,其他人总是会以某种方式看待你,”她说。. 作为一个穆斯林, it is not seen as the right thing to do for women to play sports or to go far away to study. 总是有人因为我踢足球而看不起我, 尤其是因为我来自布拉德福德, 那里有大量的英裔巴基斯坦人. 然而,这已经不再影响我了,因为我有了不同的心态. It does not matter what others think as long as my family supports me, and my friends are by my side. 这才是最重要的.”


Jacob Stuckey(左)和Gregg Chenail一起在实验室工作
Jacob Stuckey ’11 (left) and principal scientist Gregg Chenail work together in the lab at Flare Therapeutics Laboratory in Cambridge, 麻萨诸塞州. 图片来源:Marissa Fiorucci

我在勒诺瓦-雷恩学校附近长大, 11岁的雅各布·斯塔基总是幻想着自己能上大学.

作为一个越野赛和田径学生运动员, 他的大学生活充满了跑步和有机化学.

“没有多少人会说自己热爱有机化学,但我和他在一起的时间. (约书亚)环, [化学副教授], in organic chemistry and biochemistry showed me early on how chemistry principles help to make a difference,他说.

拥有化学学士学位, 他直接去了北卡罗来纳大学读研, 他于2016年获得了制药科学博士学位.

在北卡罗来纳大学, Stuckey’s research focused on chemical probe discovery for potential epigenetic drug targets ­— non-genetic influences on gene expression — for cancer therapies. 从这个, he developed a chemical toolset for studying the effects of antagonizing protein structure domains called chromodomains, contained in Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1) — which play a major role in how cells regulate conversion from DNA to RNA.

受他在研究生院工作的启发, Stuckey continued to look at effective molecules when he joined the team at Constellation Pharmaceuticals, 一家位于剑桥的生物制药公司, 麻萨诸塞州.

作为新项目团队的一员, Stuckey supported both advanced and exploratory epigenetic drug discovery programs — which led to being co-inventor of the CPI-0209, a second-generation inhibitor of a protein called EZH2 — which is currently in clinical trials.

“当我加入星座的时候, a first-generation molecule inhibitor had already been created for patients that was efficacious and safe and resulted in no dose-limiting toxicity,他分享道。. “所以全球网赌十大网站问自己是否可以进一步提高疗效?

“We pushed forward and made some of the most potent molecules that have been described for any drug target, not just EZH2 — just measuring the potency of these molecules was a significant achievement scientifically,斯塔基说. “The ultimate goal moving forward is to access the full potential of targeting EZH2 in cancer.”

2020年1月, 斯塔基觉得自己已经做好了改变的准备,开始在Third Rock Ventures工作, 一家创建和投资生物技术初创公司的风险投资公司, 这导致了他现在在耀斑治疗公司的职位, a biotech company with a focus on targeting transcription factors to discover precision medicines for cancer and other diseases.

作为高级主管, Stuckey is helping empower his team to discover the next wave of transcription factor medicines. 图片来源:Marissa Fiorucci

作为Flare的创始科学家和生物化学和化学生物学高级主管, he leads a team of four internal scientists and approximately 10 external scientists in research focused on small molecule screening and studying how advanced molecules interact with their targeted protein in the body.

斯塔基接下来要做什么? 持续的研究源于对化学的热爱,这是在LR首次发现的.

“我在大学的时间为我未来的成功和努力做好了充分的准备,两个孩子的父亲分享道. “The chemistry program gave me the fundamental understanding I needed to go into graduate school prepared and ready for the next level the moment I walked in the door.”

Chad Rimmer通过Zoom出现在Q的大屏幕上&在Belk Centrum的一个会议

保持沟通渠道畅通,牧师博士. Chad Rimmer took questions from LTSS alumni to provide updates and clarity about the seminary's upcoming relocation.



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